Morgan Rourke
Region: Superior
School: Hayfork High School
Education and/or industry experience: Cal Poly SLO, - M.S. Ag Education, B.S. Ag Education - Ag Mechanics Specialization. Industry experience in firefighting, nursery production, cattle production and construction.
Years teaching ag: 10
Subjects you teach: Ag Bio, Ag Construction, Ag Mechanics, Ag Welding, Metal Fabrication
Hobbies and interests outside of teaching: Ranching, Farming, Bow Hunting, Rifle Hunting, Fishing, Family

What do you love most about being an ag educator? I really enjoy the chance to get to know the students outside of the classroom. Taking students outside of a normal school environment (for field days and fairs, etc.) gives me a chance to know them so much more. Last year I traveled about 5,200 miles with my students to contests and events.
What is your biggest challenge as an ag educator? Pleasing everyone. It’s tough to please everyone. I do my best to please my wife, family, coworkers, administration, parents, community members and students.
What most prepared you for being an agriculture educator? Living it. I was raised in a unique situation where both my dad and my grandpa were ag educators in this profession. So many of my learning experiences came from their guidance over the years.
Describe ag teaching in one word. Family.
What have you learned thus far in your teaching career that you wish you would have known when you first began teaching? Don’t stay at school past five o’clock. Don’t take work home. This philosophy doesn’t work for everyone but for me it’s key in balancing my home life with my teaching career.
What advice would you give a novice teacher entering this profession in 2015? Be outspoken. Always ask questions. Make your program your own.
What personal qualities or abilities do you think are important to being successful in this profession? Follow through. If you don’t follow through, how can you expect your students or community members to?
What specific skills are important to being successful in this profession? Specific skills are important but I think being too specialized isn’t as powerful as a broad range of experiences that you can share with your students.