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What is Teach Ag California?
To raise awareness of the need to recruit and retain high quality and diverse agriculture teachers, encourage others to consider a career teaching agriculture and celebrate the positive contributions that agriculture teachers make in our schools and communities.

To ensure an abundant supply of high quality and diverse agriculture teachers who will cultivate the next generation of problem solvers, leaders, entrepreneurs and agriculturalists.
The National Teach Ag Campaign began in 2009 as an initiative led by the National Association of Agriculture Educators. The California Teach Ag Campaign was officially launched in 2014 with the implementation of a campaign coordinator position; specifically designed to address the recruitment, retention and recognition of agriculture teachers in California. Teach Ag California is funded by the California Department of Education, with additional project funding from the State Teach Ag Results (STAR) program.
The State Teach Ag Results (STAR) program is a state-level program, facilitated and led by NAAE, designed to assist state teams with creating and implementing a data-driven, sustainable and effective recruitment and retention plan. The STAR program is a component of the NAAE National Teach Ag Campaign. Teach Ag California was officially enrolled as a STAR program state in 2014 and holds bi-annual meetings to discuss strategy progress, share data and review recruitment and retention plans. Special thanks to the CHS Foundation for making STAR program teacher recruitment and retention initiatives possible in 2024.
Each year the Teach Ag Campaign travels the state of California in order to recruit and retain the best and the brightest agriculture teachers. Teach Ag outreach events include: college career and internship fairs, high school career fairs, leadership conferences, interactive workshops, informational presentations, targeted industry events and more. Let us know how we can help you share the Teach Ag message! Contact Us

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